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Legacy Letter Bundle - "Seasons" Collection

Legacy Letter Bundle - "Seasons" Collection

Regular price $29.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $29.99 USD
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Everything you need to begin building a long-lasting legacy for your loved one.  

Money comes and goes but let's be honest it is not very personal.  When you are gone your loved ones will be left with a hole in their heart that can only be filled by you.  

We have created a beautiful way to preserve, organize, and leave behind something that will be cherished forever.  

Your bundle will include:
  • 【The Leather Cover】 It comes in TEN distinct colors:  turquoise, butterscotch, purple, navy blue, brown, black, orange, red, green and mahogany. Each color is carefully chosen to evoke a sense of inspiration and comfort.   Designed in the A6 size of 7.3 x 5.1 inches (12.9 x 18.5cm), they are not only portable but also versatile, making them ideal for travel, and storage in a safe place. PU Faux Leather Cover Crafted with embossing technology, these leather covers have a clear pattern, looking great and offering a luxuriously soft and supple feel. The PU leather cover is animal-friendly and can preserve precious memories for years.
  • 【Refillable matching Stationery Paper】 You will receive 10 sheets of our uniquely designed inserts are made specially to create an envelope on one side and writing space on the other.  You will ALSO receive 10 sheets of writing paper on both sides for those special letters that have a little deeper subject matter so that you can get a little more wordy.  In total, that would be 30 pages of writing.  We also offer matching filler packs for sale that you can purchase to add more letters to your collection. 
  • 【Zip Strips】 10 Uniquely created binding attachments are included to connect to your envelope sheet after you have written your letter.  The Zip Strip has 6 holes punched and a double-sided tape that you will peel off and connect to your envelope.  The nice thing about this system is you can reorganize, add, and subtract letters at any time.
  • 【"Open When" Sticker Seals】We have also included 15 matching sticker seals in this collection.  There is room to write a line to tell your recipient exactly when to open this letter.  Example: "Open When You Need To Hear My Voice"
  • 【Build your Legacy Library】With multiple colors per set, this makes for a thoughtful way to create a keepsake for everyone who holds a special place in their heart for you. 

We hope that you now realize how thoughtful it would be to take a moment and begin assembling this beautiful gift.  Your words of love, guidance, and support are so much more valuable than you can imagine.  Help them get through their grieving process by simply knowing how much you love them and how your timeless gift will give them the sense that you will truly always be there.  

  • The cover of the "Seasons" collectionfeatures a design of Leaves.

    The seasons, including spring, summer, autumn (fall), and winter, are rich with symbolism and have been interpreted in various ways across different cultures and contexts. Here are some common symbolic meanings associated with the seasons:

    1. Cycle of Life: The changing seasons represent the cyclical nature of life, with each season symbolizing a different stage in the life cycle. Spring is often associated with birth and new beginnings, summer with growth and vitality, autumn with maturity and harvest, and winter with rest and reflection.

    2. Renewal and Rebirth: Spring, in particular, is often seen as a symbol of renewal and rebirth. The blossoming of flowers and the return of greenery after the winter months are seen as metaphors for new opportunities and fresh starts.

    3. Cycles of Change: The seasons can be interpreted as symbols of change and transition. They remind us that change is a natural part of life, and each season brings its own unique qualities and challenges.

    4. Symbol of Nature's Rhythms: The seasons are closely tied to the Earth's orbit around the sun, reflecting the rhythmic and predictable patterns of nature. This can symbolize harmony, balance, and the interconnectedness of all living things.

    5. A Metaphor for Human Experience: The seasons are often used as metaphors for the different stages of human experience. Just as nature goes through cycles, individuals go through periods of growth, abundance, decline, and renewal.

    6. Symbol of Balance: In some traditions, the changing seasons represent the balance between opposing forces, such as light and darkness, warmth and cold. This balance is often associated with harmony and equilibrium.

    7. Harvest and Abundance: Autumn, in particular, is associated with harvest and abundance. It symbolizes the culmination of hard work, the reaping of rewards, and the celebration of the fruits of one's labor.

    8. Symbol of Transience: The fleeting nature of each season, especially evident in the changing colors of leaves and the cycle of plant life, serves as a reminder of the impermanence of all things.

    9. Cultural and Religious Symbolism: Different cultures and religions attribute specific meanings to each season. For example, some festivals and celebrations are tied to the changing seasons, emphasizing their significance in cultural and religious contexts.

    10. Symbol of Time and Continuity: The cyclical nature of the seasons also symbolizes the passage of time and the continuity of life. It underscores the idea that, despite the changes, life persists in an ongoing cycle.

    It's important to note that the symbolic meaning of the seasons can vary widely, and interpretations may be influenced by cultural, geographical, and personal perspectives.

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